Tired now, but would like to read later. Hope things start to look up for you sd-7.
choosing life
JoinedPosts by choosing life
Borg court: 1st session
by sd-7 inrecord of committee meeting #1. after prayer, proverbs 28:13 was read: "he who is covering over his transgressions will not succeed, but he who is confessing and leaving them will be shown mercy.
" the need to confess to jehovah was emphasized.
as jehovah's representatives, the elders said we therefore needed to confess to them.
JW's and home schooling?
by semelcred ini don't wish to offend any that are teaching their kids at home, but today i was again confronted by a situation where a jw family were home schooling.
the kids had little structure to their routine and without putting the mum down, she was no teacher in an academic sense.. the subject is close to my heart because my parents who are witnesses, took my younger brothers out of school and home tutored them.
the were subjected to below standard education and limited in social skills, particularly as my parents are crap at these skills themselves.. i have grown to hate home schooling except in the situation of medical or logistical situations.. what are your comments good or bad and do you think the option to home school is abused by the witness community?.
choosing life
Home schooled parents are not given any financial aid in the USA. If anything, it is expensive to buy the books and the curriculum. Some schools, you pay for the kid's work to be evaluated by professional teachers also. Some schools are quite expensive.
Definitely no financial incentive involved.
my story.
by xbro inthis is a truthfull account of what i went through,it is a work in progress and there is much mor to come.. all i can say to anyone reading this and are contemplating joining or are still a jehovahs witness is dont join and those that have,leave asap!.
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choosing life
Wow, what a childhood! It is crazy your mom expected you to do all of that, but could not even live up to the standards she set for her child. Where was daddy through all of this?
How did you feel when they let a 10 year old boy stand up on the podium and a sister couldn't ?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inone thing that really bothered me about the ministry school was letting a little boy around 10 years old read an outline and scripture.
he faced and addressed the audience.
he was actually teaching.
choosing life
Actually, I felt sorry for the kid. it seemed like a lot to put on a little boy to get up in front of everyone and give a talk, especially the shy ones.
As far as women giving little skits, I always hated it. It was demeaning coming up with those stupid settings. I quit the theocratic misery school a long time before I left.
It was even more demeaning to have a lady put on a silly hat or a napkin to conduct the meeting for service. I absolutely refused to ever do that.
JW's and home schooling?
by semelcred ini don't wish to offend any that are teaching their kids at home, but today i was again confronted by a situation where a jw family were home schooling.
the kids had little structure to their routine and without putting the mum down, she was no teacher in an academic sense.. the subject is close to my heart because my parents who are witnesses, took my younger brothers out of school and home tutored them.
the were subjected to below standard education and limited in social skills, particularly as my parents are crap at these skills themselves.. i have grown to hate home schooling except in the situation of medical or logistical situations.. what are your comments good or bad and do you think the option to home school is abused by the witness community?.
choosing life
Home schooling is what you make of it, like most things in life. I home schooled my kids, off and on. It was a very nice experience, but also very demanding of your time. It depends a lot on each child and how motivated they are too. I found it best to follow a curriculum from a reputable home schooling program.
My kids have all gone on to be college educated, so it didn't hinder their potential in that way. I guess I have mixed feelings about it. I cherish all the close time I spent with them, but I also think children need the social aspect of school in their lives.
I did see some witnesses who did not take the time to really teach their children and some can barely read to this day. That is abusive, in my opinion. If the parents are not educated enough to handle the lessons, I feel they should not do it. Most parents want their children to have a better education than them.
That witnesses are taught that education is not important, except to preach.
New BOE letter on inactive ones
by JWFreak inagain..please do not ask for a pdf scan as the only copies i have are the interbranch electronic copies from the us branch to our local branch.. .
november 3, 2009 .
to all bodies of elders .
choosing life
@ Snakes, I have been informed of the date of the memorial by an elderette who I met incidentally. Her and her hubby wanted to come by and see us. Told her I am too sick, which is true, but she insisted she will stop by some day. She asked me when I am coming back to the meetings and I reminded her I was too sick. Short memory, huh?
You did well by putting your card in a different location from where you live. I am not so sure that the elders you speak of are not vindictive enough to cause problems, if they choose to.
I read about your visit from elders and I can hardly believe they left you alone. Hope it stays that way. None of it really matters to me except I want to keep a good relationship with my kids. Otherwise, it is all a distant memory.
New BOE letter on inactive ones
by JWFreak inagain..please do not ask for a pdf scan as the only copies i have are the interbranch electronic copies from the us branch to our local branch.. .
november 3, 2009 .
to all bodies of elders .
choosing life
Thanks. I noticed the words, "loving discipline may be required." I guess it is time to screen calls and ignore unwelcome visits.
response from Ray Franz on generation change
by isaacaustin inthanks for your letter and the thoughts contained.
others had commented on the latest shift of the interpretation of this generation.
as you recognize this allows for an unending extension of time and likely stems from an awareness of the approach of the year 2014 marking 100 years since the date of 1914.. .
choosing life
Ray let the world know that the watchtower society made doctrinal decisions on a 2/3 majority vote. Just that one little piece of information is priceless.
God and Suffering
by AK - Jeff ina few weeks back, in the midst of the haiti tragedy, much discussion took place in cyberland about the tolerance [or indeed the insistence on] suffering by a loving god.
the furor over haiti has settled a bit [as unfortunately most tragedy is wont to do far too quickly in the human mind], but this persistent matter continues to chew at my subconscience.
today i came across this:.
choosing life
I would imagine they have to do with the trinity, hell, immortal soul, soul sleep, etc. ? I would like to see them if they don't deal with these thoroughly over debated subjects.
God and Suffering
by AK - Jeff ina few weeks back, in the midst of the haiti tragedy, much discussion took place in cyberland about the tolerance [or indeed the insistence on] suffering by a loving god.
the furor over haiti has settled a bit [as unfortunately most tragedy is wont to do far too quickly in the human mind], but this persistent matter continues to chew at my subconscience.
today i came across this:.
choosing life
LOL @ Jeff-"god payed himself off."
@ Perry-If jws are liberal, I would hate to see conservative.